Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Knowing the Best

"Knowing You, Jesus
Knowing You...
There is no greater thing
You're my all, You're the best, 
You're my joy, my righteousness,
And I love You, Lord..."

As we sang these words in church this morning, my mind reacted as though it had never heard the words before.

There is no greater thing than Jesus, because He is the best. So I love Him.
But it's so much more GRAND than that.

What does it mean to LOVE Jesus?
What does it mean to love?

"Love is not an affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person'sultimate good as far as it can be obtained." -CS Lewis

I've used this quote before, because I believe that CS Lewis got to the heart of the matter.

Love is a wish for a person's ultimate good.
Love is wishing someone the best.

Now, I'm not saying love is simply giving someone "best wishes".
It's much more elaborate than that. Much more caring than that. Much moregrand.

When you love someone, you want the best for them. 
Even if it means stepping aside from your own wants.
No.... especially if it means stepping aside from your own wants. 

If you love someone, you will give them the best.
and the best... is Jesus. 
not yourself - 
not anything you can give someone physically, emotionally, relationally...
nothing, but Jesus.

and if you love Jesus, you will give Him the best of yourself.
after all, He gave the best (and is saving the best!) for you.


"All I once held dear, built my life upon
All this world reveres and wars to own
All I once thought gain I have counted loss
Spent and worthless now, compared to this..."

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