Friday, August 26, 2011

Treasure Hunt: Things of the Heart

Where is your heart?

What do you long for? What are your hopes and dreams?
Where do you find satisfaction?
Where do you find your happiness? What dictates your emotions?

Go back and read that again. Yes, do it.

Now answer them.
The answers you give to these questions can give you a good idea of what your treasure is.

What would happen if your dreams didn't come true?
What if the person(s) or thing(s) in which you find satisfaction leave or are taken from you?
What if the person(s) or thing(s) that make you happy let you down and cause you heartache?

Would you still be okay?
Would your treasure still be safe and guarded
Or would you be left with nothing?

The Bible says "do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-20)

So, maybe it's not likely that your significant other or your dreams of being a Broadway star will be eaten by moths. Still, are those things treasures of heaven? When we get to heaven, there is only One star who will matter.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you should seclude yourself and bury any dreams you once had for yourself; not at all.
DREAM, my friends, DREAM! But place your dreams in God's hands. They will be of no use in your own.
Give your heart to Jesus. He guards it and protects it much better than we will.

When you truly relinquish all your hopes, dreams, and treasures to Him - you will find your treasure. And you won't find it in what you gave up. You will find it in Jesus Himself; your Deliverer and Comforter; the Mender of broken hearts, the Completion factor, the All-Powerful, Sustainer, All-Knowing, Perfectly-Planning God that He is.

When you find that treasure, everything else pales in comparison. Yes, it matters. It is important. But if you had to give it up, you would still be complete.

To be fair (and to provide an example), I will also answer the questions at the top for you.
I hope to someday have a career, husband and family. I would love to be "Mommy" and drive the kids to soccer practice. I also hope that I will fulfill God's plan for me, which overrules my dreams. God's plan is definitely more important than mine.
I find satisfaction in God, but I do sometimes look for it in other places: my grades, my friends. When I do, I usually end up feeling empty. God fills me always.
I find my happiness in serving God's people. Simply, I like making others happy. That cannot always be done, however. I also find happiness in the people around me: my family, friends, and boyfriend. But the joy that God has given me is far greater than any of these things. Eventually, others will let me down, and I will be frustrated. I can still delight in the Lord and His promises for me.

I care about my boyfriend very much. He is an important person in my life, but if God directed me away from him, I would go. Certainly, it would not be easy, but I know that God would sustain me and have a different plan for me.

The same goes for family, and friends. God is currently leading me away from friends right now, and it hurts. It's difficult. But God takes away, and He also gives.

God sent me to a college this is not far from my home, but keeps me away from my family for more often than I would like. That hurts as well, but I know that it is all a part of God's plan for me.

Give it up, people. The control is not worth the heartache in the end. Give everything to God and see what His plans are. Follow Him, then stand amazed.

If you're smart, you already know where your treasure is.  Put it where it needs to be, and let God reveal to you how amazing He is.

I realize this is a long and possibly confusing post. If you have questions and/or comments, please post them. I would be happy to answer them and get back to you.

Remember friends - be blessed. ~ Phoebe

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