Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hey, Jesus?... Be my valentine? :)

Today, obviously, is Valentine's Day.
Or, as my roommate lovingly refers to it, "Singles Awareness Day."

Despite spending today single, I was determined to remind myself and everyone I could that God is all we need.
I plastered pictures, statuses, and wall posts all over Facebook.
I'm a huge fan of cheesy sayings, so I loved the thought of God saying, "Be mine?"
I found a picture that said "So you want to find love? Just find God." Yes. Yes, it went up.
One of my favorite verses from 1 Corinthians was posted also: "A woman who is not married or a girl who has never married is busy with the Lord's work. She wants to be holy in body and spirit." (chapter 7 verse 34)

The older I get, the more I realize that I'm different from others my age (or even those a few years older than me) when it comes to romance.
You see a sunset, and wish you had someone there to share it with you.
I see a sunset, and think about the Creator that shared it with me.

I'm used to being single. I'm HAPPY being single.
This isn't one of those "female power", I'm totally independent and don't need a man blogs.
(Okay, except for the "I don't need a man" part ;) )

I've learned that a man isn't going to complete me. I've learned that having a boyfriend (or maybe eventually, a husband) isn't going to satisfy me.
People are going to let you down. They're going to "stop" loving you, they will not be available every time you need them, they won't say the right thing at the right time.
It happens.
God will always love you. He's there every time you need Him. He says the right thing every time, even when you don't know you need to hear it.

I'm trying to explain to you the magnitude of what I've learned the past few years.
I'm trying to help you understand how DEEP, how WIDE, how LONG, and how HIGH God's love really is.
But you can't fit all that into a blog.

Today, I had dinner with our one of our school librarians. She's a nice enough lady. She can hold up a conversation on her own (even if no one at the table is paying attention). If you're willing to listen, though, you might actually find some pearls in the things she says.
Tonight, she was talking about being single and dating. Since this is obviously one of my favorite topics, I paid close attention and ended up asking how she and her husband met.
"Well, I was actually single until I was 34. Most of my friends wanted relationships or were in them, but I was satisfied with being single. By that age, I had decided that God probably wanted for me to be single for my life. But I was happy with that."
Wow. I've talked before about being single for life before. Hearing that "single at age 34" was someone else's reality made it a reality for me.
But.. when most people would hear that story and think, "wow, that's so sad for her..."
that wasn't the way she looked at it at all. She was hopeful - not for eventually getting married, but excited for God's plans with her singleness. She was completely satisfied with God.

Honestly, if I could be like that when I'm older - so completely satisfied in God that it doesn't MATTER if I'm single or married - I don't think there could be a calling more worthwhile.

What would happen if we didn't keep our hearts hidden away from God? What would happen if we recklessly abandoned our love lives to God?
Every morning, God asks: "Be mine?"
What if we answered, "Completely."?

"Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart's desires." -Psalm 37:4

What would happen if we took delight in the Lord not to receive the desires of our hearts, but to have our desires transformed to God's desires?
Maybe then we would receive what our souls truly desire... and it won't matter if we're single...
We have God.
Now tell me - what MORE could a person need?

Sunday, February 6, 2011


"You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
and You heal all my disease..."
["Healer", Hillsong United]

The past few months, I have seen God working in me. It hasn't been easy. In fact, I can't think of one time in the past few months when following Him or listening for His voice was easy. It's been difficult through and through.

You see, I have this chronic disease.
It's called being human.
Symptoms include pride, impurity, and sin in general.
There's only one thing that can heal me: the Ultimate Healer, my Savior.

It's not a simple healing process, but He is with me through it all. He is still here, as I am still healing, and always will be.
Don't you see? He has shown me His presence. He's calmed my raging seas and He's walked with me through fire. He's been holding every moment. He stayed and healed me because He loves me.

I've been pretty sick for a while now. I didn't want to admit it. There came a point where I had to give it up and go to the Doctor. And when I did, I saw how truly sick I was. I realized that He's the only one who can help me.

[This is where the miraculous part of the story begins.] 

I started changing. I didn't think it was possible, but suddenly it was happening. Swallowing the horse pills Doc gave me wasn't always fun, but I sure felt better after taking them. Then one day, I looked in the mirror... and I didn't see the same wounds I used to see. The scratches and bruises were fading; my tired eyes appeared brighter and full of life. 

But something appeared that reminded me of my scars. Instead of running away from sure illness, I crept closer. I know exactly what will happen, but I choose to forget. In the process, I forget my healing. 

After being sick and then healed, how could I choose to be sick again?
Why would I choose illness over health?
Why would I choose LESS than what God has offered me?

I have been offered healing and everything I need. 
I can accept it, or I can choose sickness and longing. 

I have to lean on what I know to be true:

"I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I believe You're more than enough for me.
Jesus, You're all I need."

I will always need healing... and I will always have healing. 
I will always have more than all that I need.